All About Agriculture

These webpages help enhance the knowledge students gain through agricultural activities in their Habitat Lab as they grow and harvest veggies and other crops.

Learning how to grow fruits and vegetables is an exciting and rewarding way to implement diverse farming and scientific practices. Use these online investigations to learn the benefits of growing your own food in your Habitat Lab and expand your expertise by reading about the history of Alabama’s agriculture from the uses of gourds by Native Americans to the food crop innovations developed by Dr. George Washington Carver.

Learn more about these topics below:

Investigate Dr. George Washington Carver

Discover how this scientist and inventor improved agricultural sustainability and positively impacted rural farmers in Alabama and nationwide with his innovative methods, including a notable crop rotation technique.

Investigate Growing Your Own Food

Learn more about the benefits of growing your own food, the differences between fruits and vegetables, and what kinds of food you can grow and harvest in your Habitat Lab.

Investigate the History of Gourds

Learn how you can grow gourds in your Habitat Lab and use them as multi-purpose tools, just as Native Americans historically utilized this domesticated fruit species.

Investigate the History of Alabama’s Agriculture

Learn how you can implement a row crops garden in your Habitat Lab and expand upon your knowledge on Alabama’s historical farming practices and their economic impact.