Award Categories
CONSERVATIONIST OF THE YEAR – For an individual who has excelled in an overall conservation effort, in environmental achievements, or other significant contribution to the conservation of natural resources.
WILDLIFE CONSERVATIONIST – To recognize private individuals, professionals, clubs, firms or agency staff whose outstanding wildlife resource conservation efforts demonstrate commitment and leadership.
FISHERIES CONSERVATIONIST – To recognize an individual or organization whose outstanding fisheries resource conservation efforts demonstrate commitment and leadership.
FOREST CONSERVATIONIST – For an individual, group, firm or agency which has demonstrated outstanding leadership in management of forest resources. Fish and wildlife consideration must have been a major component in the recognized effort.
LAND CONSERVATIONIST – To recognize an individual or organization which has demonstrated outstanding achievement in the land conservation arena, including soil resource conservation, watershed planning/management, and/or landscape level conservation efforts.
WATER CONSERVATIONIST – For outstanding contribution to water resource conservation, whether surface water, ground water or wetlands. Efforts focusing on protection and improvement of water quality are especially important.
AIR CONSERVATIONIST – To recognize outstanding efforts of an individual, group, firm, or agency toward improvement of air quality in Alabama.
CONSERVATION EDUCATOR – For outstanding contribution by a professional or volunteer, classroom teacher or scout troop leader, firm, or organization to conservation education, whether in the classroom or by other means. The scope of the effort and its effectiveness are of major consideration.
CONSERVATION COMMUNICATOR – To recognize the outstanding efforts of a journalist or media firm in communicating the Alabama Wildlife Federation’s conservation message to the general public.
CONSERVATION ENFORCEMENT OFFICER – For outstanding performance in enforcement of laws to protect Alabama’s natural resources. Must be a duly authorized officer of the law, and enforcement activity may be related to fish and wildlife, littering, or environmental laws or regulations.
LEGISLATIVE CONSERVATIONIST – For demonstration of an outstanding commitment to conservation and stewardship of Alabama’s natural resources in legislative matters.
JUDICIAL CONSERVATIONIST – For demonstration of an outstanding commitment to natural resource conservation, fish and wildlife, or land, air and water; and a significant contribution to conservation of those resources through judicial action.
HUNTER SAFETY INSTRUCTOR – For outstanding commitment and service to hunter education and safety instruction.
YOUTH CONSERVATIONIST – For outstanding achievement by a youth, having not reached the age of 19 at the time of nomination, in resource conservation. Accomplishments may include, but need not be limited to on-the-ground projects for conservation of fish or wildlife habitat, air, soil, forest, or water. Efforts in the field of public awareness, communication, and education are also eligible for recognition.