Big Cat Fishing Tourney Rules


Complete online application by clicking here.

Download waiver pdf, print and sign.
Email to Matt Vines or bring it to the mandatory meeting on Friday, September 6th, 2024, at 6:00pm at the NaturePlex facility (3050 Lanark Road, Millbrook, AL 36054)
(Please make checks payable to AWF).
Registration is for single anglers only, no team entries.

General Rules:

  • Anglers must be between the ages of 6 and 15 to be eligible for this tournament.
  • This tournament is not to exceed the first 50 registrants. Once participant capacity is reached registration will close immediately and no further registrations will be accepted.
  • Fishing may begin at 7am Saturday at sound off. Fishing ends at 11:45am. Lines must be out of the water at that time. Weigh-ins will be from 7am-8am, 8:15am-9:15am, 9:30am-10:30am, 10:45am-11:45am.
  • Anglers must be registered by Wednesday (September 4th) at 5pm Deadline to be eligible to weigh in during the tournament.
  • Anglers must attend mandatory anglers meeting Friday September 6th at 6pm at the NaturePlex facility 3050 Lanark Rd. Millbrook, AL 36054. You will not be permitted to fish if you do not attend the mandatory meeting.
  • Anglers will receive an angler ID lanyard card containing their angler ID number, Angler fishing station number, as well as which zones they will fish in during each hour during the angler meeting Friday September 6th, 6pm. (see example on page 5). Anglers must keep and wear the angler ID lanyard during the entirety of the BCF Tournament. Anglers must wear wrist band provided to them at the angler’s meeting September 6th on September 7th during the tournament.
  • Anglers must hook, catch, land and take fish to weigh station unassisted. All fish must be caught using a rod and reel with a hook or lure.
  • No minimum fish length.
  • Buckets, and coolers (under 20qts) are for fishing gear, beverages, and refreshments only. Fish baskets or personal stringers not allowed.
  • Anglers may keep 1 fish on a stringer to be weighed during that specific hour. That fish may be weighed at any time during that hour. All stringer fish must be released at the end of that fishing hour.
  • Top three (3) biggest fish each hour that are weighed in will receive a payout of $100-1st, $50-2nd, $25-3rd places. Overall biggest fish for all anglers in the tournament will receive a bonus payout of $200. Biggest fish for anglers 8 & under will receive a bonus payout of $100.
  • In the event of a tie, the money prize will be split between the anglers that tied for that spot during that hour time period (Ex. If 1st and 2nd place tie, $150 will be split, if 2nd and 3rd place tie, $75 will be split, if 3rd place has a tie $25 will be split.). In the event of a tie for overall biggest fish, the $200 money prize will be split. Also, in the event of a tie for biggest fish 8 & under, the $100 money prize will be split.
  • Strictly a catch and release tournament, any dead fish will not be weighed and may result in a time penalty to the angler.
  • Anglers are responsible for bringing and carrying any and all gear. Anglers are limited to bringing up to four (4) rods and reels. Anglers may only have access to TWO (2) rods during any fishing period but may only use one (1) at a time while fishing. Parent can hold on to other 2 rods during that time. Anglers may only switch to their other two (2) rods during a rotation period.
  • Anglers (only) are allowed (and encouraged) to assist fellow anglers with landing of fish and re-rigging of rods at their own time expense.
  • Fishing will not be allowed in any of the ponds after the AWF Youth Fishing Rodeo August 10th until September 9th. Tournament pre-fishing is not allowed.
  • Guns, tobacco products and smoking are strictly prohibited. Any participants or guests failing to abide by this rule will be asked to leave the premises immediately. Anyone displaying poor sportsmanship is subject to disqualification.
  • In the event of severe weather the event will be rescheduled.

Bait Usage:

  • The following types of hooks are allowed:
  1. Circle Hooks
  2. J Hooks
  3. Kahle
  4. Catfish Hooks (excluding treble hooks)
  • Treble hooks are prohibited.
  • Single hook rigs only
  • Use of artificial baits is allowed as long as they do not contain treble hooks (Top water plugs, rooster tails, crankbaits, rattle traps, and other baits containing treble hooks are prohibited).
  • No live fish of any type may be used for fishing during the tournament; however, Anglers are allowed to use the following types of live bait only.
  1. Worms
  2. Crickets
  • Anglers are allowed to use any cut bait they choose (ex. Stink bait, hot dogs, liver); however, anglers are not permitted to fish and catch bream or green sunfish from our ponds for use as cut bait or live bait. Dumping of excess or left over bait whether live or cut bait is prohibited. Waste cans will be distributed around the pond for disposal of excess, left over, or unwanted baits.

Parent Rules:

  • Anglers must hook, catch, land fish, and take fish to weigh station on their own without assistance.
  • Each angler must have a parent/guardian present during the tournament.
  • Parents must be present for their child to claim any money prizes. Checks will be made out in parent’s name
  • Parents are encouraged to bring snacks and refreshments for their child; coolers are permitted but please be sure to keep the size smaller than 20qts. Coolers over the size of 20qts will not be permitted.
  • Parents must stay within designated parent seating area during the duration of the tournament. Parents are allowed to bring and set up lawn chairs.
  • Parents are allowed to help re-rig the two (2) rods in the parent’s possession that angler is not using during that fishing time. These rods can only be exchanged during a transition period (10 minutes). Parents must still stay within the parent seating area.

Stations and Rotations:

  • Angler fishing stations (ex. 1,2,3,4 etc…) will be marked off by flagging tape and laminated number per each fishing zone. Each angler’s fishing station and zone can be found on their ID lanyard. Fishing zones (ex. A, B, C, D) will be marked off by colored buoy.
  • Anglers will receive an ID lanyard with angler fishing station and fishing zone they will fish in each hour during the mandatory anglers meeting September 6th at 6pm. Anglers must wear the lanyard provided to them at the anglers meeting during the entirety of the BCF Tournament.
  • Anglers must stay within their fishing zone and angler station during the outlined allotted hour of time. Any fish that is caught outside of these boundaries will not be counted or weighed and must be released as soon as the hook is safely removed. Anglers will be subject to a time penalty (2 minutes per fish) per fish caught while outside of that angler’s designated boundaries.
  • Anglers will rotate between four (4) marked fishing zones (marked A, B, C, D) around the upper pond each hour, spending the full hour in that designated zone. Anglers will rotate clockwise between the four (4) marked fishing zones during the designated transition time (ex. If starting in zone A during first hour, rotate to zone B for second hour).
  • At the end of each hour anglers will be given 10 minutes to rotate to their next fishing zone. Transition times are as follows 8am-8:15am, 9:15am-9:30am, 10:30am-10:45am. Anglers may only move to the next fishing zone and station during the designated transition time.
  • Anglers must weigh in their fish during the hour time frame, anglers arriving late to the weigh station will knowingly eat into their own transition time (Ex. If you arrive at weigh in at 7:58am but are not able to complete weigh in until 8:05am, that’s the angler’s own fault). Loss of angler transition time is at the angler’s expense.
  • Fishing will start at the designated hour times regardless of whether each angler is at their designated fishing station.

Weigh In Rules:

  • Weigh-ins will be from 7am-8am, 8:15am-9:15am, 9:30am-10:30am, 10:45am-11:45am. All Weight Stations will close weighing at 12pm.
  • Anglers may weigh their one (1) fish in at any time during the hour time slot but must reel their line in before taking their fish to the weigh station.
  • Each angler may weigh in only (1) fish per hour. Anglers are only allowed to weigh in fish caught during that hour. No fish may be carried over to the next hour. In addition, anglers may keep one (1) fish on a stringer to be weighed during that specific hour, but anglers still must abide by the one (1) fish per hour weigh in rule. That fish may be weighed at any time during that hour. Any stringer fish must be released at the end of that fishing hour.
  • If an angler next to you catches a fish, you are encouraged to reel your line in to prevent entanglement.
  • Once you arrive at the weigh in station, you must weigh your fish. No backing out of line. After the fish has been weighed, it becomes property of the tournament and will be returned to the water by tournament officials, not by the angler.
  • The BCF tournament is strictly a catch and release tournament, any dead fish will not be weighed and may result in a time penalty to the angler.
  • Any bream caught during the tournament may not be weighed and must be released immediately after the hook is removed. Bass may not be landed or submitted for weighing, they will also not be counted.

Casting Rules:

  • Anglers may only cast within their designated fishing zone (A, B, C, D) and angler fishing station (number 1-15) during the hour they are designated to be in that zone and station (Ex. Angler John smith must stay within zone A, station 14 during hour 7am-8am.). Please see attached diagram in your angler packet.
  • Each angler may find their designated fishing zone and station on their tournament ID lanyard card (which will be kept with them during the entirety of the tournament). Fishing zone (A, B, C, D) boundaries will be marked by colored buoy.
  • Anglers must cast straight outward. Anglers who cast into fishing zones other than their designated zone per that hour will be given a warning for the first violation, subsequent violations will be subject to a time penalty (2 minutes per violation). Please see attached diagram in your angler packet.
  • Please try not to cast over marker buoys.
  • Time penalties will be assessed by tournament officials by stop watch. At the end of the time violation tournament officials will let that angler know when they can resume fishing.