The Alabama Wildlife Federation is a 501(c)(3) organization, and memberships and donations are the heart of our organization. Your tax-deductible gift will help AWF’s efforts to promote the conservation of Alabama’s wildlife and related natural resources.

All AWF Memberships includes:
- a subscription to Alabama Wildlife magazine
- notification of special events
- volunteer opportunities
- an AWF Membership Card
- As an additional membership perk, you will also receive an AWF store credit. Use it for apparel, accessories, books or even a membership product bundle.
Membership Level Options:
- Friend ($35)
Receives all of the above.
- Supporter ($70)
Receives all of the above, plus an AWF pocket planner.
- Sustainer ($140)
Receives all of the above, plus an official AWF tee shirt.
- Sponsor ($350)
Receives all of the above, plus an official AWF golf shirt.
- Patron ($700)
Receives all of the above, plus an official twill embroidered long-sleeved shirt.
Receives a major donor package which includes a lifetime subscription to the Alabama Wildlife magazine, an AWF Major Donor front license plate, AWF silicone smartphone wallet, pin, and a major donor recognition gift.