Memorials / Honorarium

Click here to Honor Family and Friends with a Memorial or Honorarium Gift

Honor the life of a loved one while sharing your support of Alabama conservation issues by making a Memorial Gift. When you make a Memorial Gift, AWF sends a card to the honoree’s family which notifies them of the gift. Your gift is also acknowledged in AWF’s Alabama Wildlife magazine. Select Memorial n the dropdown and name the individual and address in the comment box, so we can send them a note of your gift.

Celebrate a special occasion or accomplishment of a family member, friend or other special person by making an Honorarium Gift. It’s a wonderful way to show that you share their passion for the outdoors and respect for wildlife. When you make a Tribute Gift, AWF sends a card to the honoree that notifies him or her of the gift. Your gift is also acknowledged in AWF’s Alabama Wildlife magazine.
Select Honarium in the dropdown and name the individual and address in the comment box, so we can send them a note of your gift.

Or call 800.822.9453 for more information about our Memorial/Honorarium Gift Program.