Native Warm Season Grass Project


A project of the Alabama Wildlife Federation


National Fish and Wildlife Federation

Project Abstract
Phase II of the NWSG project is designed to support three large-scale conservation initiatives: 1) The National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative (NBCI), 2) East Gulf Coastal Plain Joint Venture (EGCPJV), and 3) Alabama’s State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP). All three initiatives have defined the ecological context for the conservation of high priority bird species in Alabama. The Alabama Wildlife Federation (AWF) will work within this context to deliver technical assistance to landowners to restore grassland habitat suitable for high priority grassland bird species. Furthermore, AWF will expand the NWSG Technical Committee to include at least one representative from each of the conservation initiatives. The committee will assist with effective and strategic delivery of technical assistance and information. AWF will continue to work with resource professionals, contractors, and landowners to maintain the ten (10) demonstration sites that were developed during phase I of the project.

Primary Activities

  • Establish a minimum of 5,000 acres of grassland habitat in high priority areas.
  • Develop written case studies to illustrate objective-driven and site-specific approaches to grassland creation and maintenance.
  • Develop management bulletins to illustrate specific, step-by-step approaches to grassland creation and maintenance.
  • Continue to work with resource professionals, contractors, and landowners to monitor and maintain the ten demonstration sites that were established during phase I of the project.

Project Funding
This project is funded, in part, from the Southern Company’s Power of Flight program and the U.S. Fish and WIldlife Service through their partnership with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), and will be completed by July 31, 2016.

A project of the Alabama Wildlife Federation


National Fish and Wildlife Federation

NWSG Technical Committee | NBCI Biologist Ranking Information | Photo Gallery

Project Abstract
AWF received a grant through the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation / Southern Company Power of Flight grant program to develop a native warm season grass demonstration project in support of the National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative. The project is designed to address barriers to native warm season grass establishment and management – practices critical for restoring bobwhite populations. AWF will develop 100 acres of native warm season grasses in 10 demonstration sites located in the “High Priority” areas for quail conservation as indicated by the National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative Biologist Ranking Information. Resource professionals and contractors interested in learning about native warm season grass establishment will work closely with the project manager to develop the demonstration sites. Training workshops, including field days held at the demonstration sites, will be offered to resource professionals and landowners. Workshop participates will receive an instructional DVD that will be developed from information gathered from the demonstration sites. It’s AWF’s desire that this project will contribute to a better understanding of native warm season grass establishment and management among natural resource professionals, contractors, and landowners, and thus, more grassland habitat created for quail and other wildlife.

Primary Activities

  • Establish a minimum of 100 acres of NWSG demonstration sites at 10 different locations
  • Engage resource professionals in the planning, establishment, and management of demonstration sites
  • Develop a “NWSG Establishment and Management DVD”
  • Conduct training sessions and Field Days for resource professionals, contractors and landowners

Project Funding
This project is funded, in part, through a grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) and Southern Company’s Power of Flight program, and will be completed by December 31, 2013.

Project Contact Information
Mr. Claude L. Jenkins, CWB, Resource Stewardship Biologist
Alabama Wildlife Federation | 3050 Lanark Road | Millbrook, AL 36054
Phone: 334.285.4550 | Email: cjenkins@alabamawildlife.org