OC Plant ID: Foxglove Beardtongue

Other Common Names:

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
W. D. and Dolphia Bransford

Mississippi Penstemon, Mississippi Beardtongue, Smooth White Penstemon, Smooth White Beardtongue, Talus Slope Penstemon, Talus Slope Beardtongue

Latin Name: Penstemon digitalis

CLICK HERE to download a PDF of this info for your maintenance packet.

For more information, click on the links below:
Description | Ecological Benefits | Maintenance Notes | Habitat | QR Code & Plant ID Sign

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
Sally and Andy Wasowski


Native to Alabama: X Native _ Non-Native _ Non-Native Invasive

Plant Type: X Herb _ Succulent _ Grass _ Fern _ Vine _ Shrub _ Tree

Leaf Retention: _ Deciduous _ Evergreen X Semi-Evergreen

Duration/Lifespan: _ Annual _ Biennial X Perennial

Height: 3 – 5 feet

Width/Spread: 1.5 – 2 feet

Click here for more details: Leaves | Flower | Seeds


This plant provides food for:
X Butterflies
X Caterpillars:
Chalcedony Midget Moth, Baltimore Checkerspot
X Native Bees
X Hummingbirds
X Other Birds

Other Ecological Benefit(s): food source to mammalian herbivores when no other source available

Other Plants Found in Alabama with Similar Ecological Benefits:

  • Eustis Lake Penstemon (Penstemon australis) – bees
  • Long-sepal Penstemon (Penstemon calycocus) – bees
  • Eastern Gray Penstemon (Penstemon canescens) – bees
  • Nodding Penstemon (Penstemon laxiflorus) – hummingbirds, bees
  • Eastern Smooth Penstemon (Penstemon laevigatus) – bees
  • Many-flowered Penstemon (Penstemon multiflorus) – bees
  • Pale Penstemon (Penstemon pallidus) – bees
  • Small’s Penstemon (Penstemon smallii) – bees
  • Eastern Whiteflower Penstemon (Penstemon tenuiflorus) – bees


Can you cut some of the flowers for indoor vase? X Yes _ No

Should dead plant parts be removed when the plant dies back? X Yes _ No If yes, when? cut bloom stalks once they’ve turned brown to keep a near appearance

Winter Interest (if any): X Dormant _ Not Dormant

National Gardening Association
Green Amber Gardens


Leaf Shape: _ Ovate _ Heart _ Linear _ Triangular X Lanceolate X Other: elliptical

Leaf Arrangement: X Opposite _ Alternate _ Whorled

Leaf Margin: X Entire/Smooth _ Crenate X Dentate _ Serrate _ Lobed _ Serrate & Lobed

Leaf Form: X Simple _ Compound _ Twice Compound

Leaf Description: basal clusters of leaves are green with reddish tint, variable shape but typically elliptical, up to 6 inches long, smooth margins; flowering stalks emerge from these clusters and their opposite leaves are lanceolate with tiny teeth on the edges and a shiny surface

Leaf & Flower Description Chart (PDF) | Leaf Description Chart (JPG)

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
James L. Reveal

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
Norman G. Flaigg


Flower Color: white

Flower Shape: tubulate

Flower(s) Description: loose clusters of white, unevenly 5-lobed, 1-inch long flowers on top of upright stem; flowers grow in pairs from the upper leaf axils; outer surface of flowers is hairy; purple lines in throat of flower for bees; each flower has 5 stamens, one with a tuft of small hairs

Flower Blooming Months: X May X Jun X Jul

Leaf & Flower Description Chart (PDF) | Flower Description Chart (JPG)

Eastern Illinois University Prairie Restoration Website
K. R. Robertson – Illinois Natural History Survey


How does this plant spread? X Seeds X Rhizomes/Tubers/Roots & Shoots

Explain: The seeds can be spread by wind; underground rhizomes produce new plantlets around the base; clump-forming

How Does this Plant Produce Its Seeds? _ Bare Seeds X In a Fruit

If the seeds are in a fruit, what type of fruit? _ Berry _ Nut _ Winged Seed Pod X Dry Seed Pod _ Moist Fruit

Describe the Seeds and/or Fruit: tan, oval capsules containing numerous brown, finely pitted, irregularly angled seeds

Months/Seasons it produces Fruit/Seed: summer – fall

Steve Hurst


X Sun (6+ hours of sun per day)
X Part Sun/Shade (2-6 hours of sun per day)
_ Shade (Less than 2 hours of sun per day)

_ Prefers Dry Soil
X Prefers Average Watering
_ Prefers Heavy Watering with Good Drainage
_ Prefers Moist to Wet Soil at All Times

Soil Type(s): X Well-Drained X Sandy X Loamy _ Clay X Limestone X Acidic X Moist


We created a QR Code that is linked to this webpage that you can incorporate into your plant identification sign for this plant. When a student or teacher scans the QR Code (on the plant ID sign) with the QR Code Reader app on their device, then this webpage will open up on their device (cell phone, tablet, or laptop), so that they can learn more about this plant.

To create a Plant ID Sign for this plant, you have two options:

  1. CLICK HERE to download a PNG of the QR Code for this plant. You can provide this QR Code to the company that is creating your plant identification signs, and ask them to incorporate the QR code on the plant ID sign.
  2. CLICK HERE to download an editable Word Doc Template or CLICK HERE for a pre-made PDF Template plant identification sign that incorporates the name of this plant with its QR code. You can then provide the PDF to your sign company to create the plant ID sign.


Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center Logo
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Logo
Alabama Plant Atlas Logo
Alabama Butterfly Atlas Logo
Missouri Botanical Gardens Logo 2019