Outdoor Classroom Specialists

AWF OC Consultants MapThe Alabama Wildlife Federation's Outdoor Classroom Specialists provide technical and organizational assistance for schools enrolled in the Alabama Outdoor Classroom Program.

If you are interested in developing an outdoor classroom through our program, contact one of our Outdoor Classroom Specialists to discuss how to get started:

North Alabama: April Waltz @ aprilwaltz@alabamawildlife.org
North Alabama: Avy Elmore @ aelmore@alabamawilldlife.org
Central Alabama: Allison Mathis @ amathis@alabamawildlife.org
South Alabama: Tyler Burgener @ tburgener@alabamawildlife.org

Once your school is enrolled in the program, your OC Specialist can work with you and your school throughout the life of your outdoor classroom and schoolyard wildlife habitat to help you create a sustainable outdoor classroom site that can be used as an effective educational tool for hands-on, outdoor learning opportunities.