Student Exploration Link: Wonders of Wildlife

Wonders of Wildlife in Your Outdoor Classroom

Click on the animal's name below (in orange) to learn about its:

  • Common & Scientific Name
  • Description & Photos
  • Amazing Adaptations
  • Life Cycle
  • Basic Habitat Needs
  • Role in the Ecosystem & Food Webs
Barking Tree Frog by Tyler Burgener

American Bullfrog
Bronze Frog
Cope's Gray Tree Frog
Fowler's Toad
Green Tree Frog
Slimy Salamander
Southern Toad

Baby Cottontail by Tyler Burgener

Eastern Chipmunk
Eastern Cottontail
Eastern Gray Squirrel
Eastern Red Bat
Little Brown Bat

Kingsnake on Log by Tyler Burgener

Black Racer
Eastern Box Turtle
Five-lined Skink
Gray Rat Snake
Green Anole

Blue Orchard Bee by University of Florida

American Goldfinch
American Robin
Barred Owl
Blue Jay
Carolina Chickadee
Carolina Wren
Downy Woodpecker
Eastern Bluebird
Eastern Screech Owl
Northern Cardinal
Northern Flicker
Northern Mockingbird
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Tufted Titmouse

Katydid by Tyler Burgener

Insects & Bugs:

Black Swallowtail
Carolina Wolf Spider
Eastern Bumble Bee
Gulf Fritillary
Little Black Ant
Luna Moth
Monarch Butterfly
Painted Lady
Pillbug/ Roly-poly

Taxonomic Classification Chart

Click the chart to view it in a new, larger window. CLICK HERE to download a copy.