Operation GameWatch

Operation GameWatch is a program designed to stop fish and game law violators in Alabama. Citizen involvement is and always has been the key to its success. The problem is serious.
The Poacher is not a sportsman. He may use high-speed vehicles, spotlights, CB radios, police scanners, and illegal traps to capture his prey. His idea of fair is no chance at all. The season, hour, bag limit, sex, age and method mean nothing. Wildlife, including threatened and endangered species, are killed for profit and "just for fun." But everyone suffers from this kind of "fun."
Simply put, Poaching is Stealing… It is stealing from you and future generations.
Did you know that there are organized poaching rings in Alabama? Don't be deceived… poachers don't "kill for the meat." Poachers kill and sell for profit.

You can report a poacher and collect a reward of up to $2,500.00 while remaining completely anonymous. Information that leads to an arrest in one of six categories makes you eligible to receive an anonymous reward. The minimum reward is $50.00 and the maximum reward is $2,500.00.

Hunting out of season and using spotlights are two of the more commonly observed methods of poaching, but remember; hunters taking more than the legal limit, hunting over bait or trappers that use illegal devices are also guilty of poaching.

We Pay Cash for Information on Poachers

Call 1-800-272-GAME (4263) to report violators. Calling is Easy, Fast and Completely Confidential!

The more information, the better. Try to provide the following information if you can:
  • Vehicle Description
  • License Plate Number
  • Clothing Description
  • Area Being Poached
  • Time You Observed
  • Patterns You Observed
If you wish to be a part of Operation GameWatch, please send your tax-deductible donations to:
P.O. Box 1339
Millbrook, AL 36054


For tax deduction purposes please make your donations payable to Alabama Wildlife Federation.

Read latest press releases:
2014 – "Informants Tips Lead to Convictions, Fines, and Rewards"
2013 – "Informants Tips Lead to Convictions, Fines, and Rewards"
2012 – "Informants Tips Lead to Convictions, Fines, and Rewards"