Outdoor Women’s Network

Women are interested in learning outdoor activities such as hunting/fishing and shooting sports for a variety of reasons; such as participating on their own, with friends, with their children, and/or to facilitate a relationship with clients. However, many don’t know how to get started, lack a place to go and/or would go if they had a companion to join them. AWF hopes to fill this need with the Outdoor Women’s Network by providing opportunities for women to become involved with these target activities, to meet other women interested in participating, and to become more active in AWF.


To promote and provide direct hunting, angling and other outdoor recreation opportunities for women in a manner that increases personal participation in target outdoor activities and the Alabama Wildlife Federation.


  • Provide women with the skills and knowledge necessary to participate in outdoor activities on
    their own
  • Increase membership and involvement in AWF
    among women
  • Provide a communications network for activities
    and opportunities
  • Provide a network of women who are willing to
    mentor a new hunter/shooter/angler

"I think that the AWF should be commended for taking the time to organize these events and I would like to send a special thank you out to the facilities for housing us, feeding us, and creating a overall wonderful environment! I am looking forward to seeing everyone again on the next hunt!"

– Ann Hutson, Home Loan Consultant and Marketing Specialist for Countrywide Home Loans

"The new knowledge I have gained through your hands on training has prepared me for adventure in the outdoors and a new understanding of the importance of nature conservation and how the two co-exist"

– Pam Swanner, Executive Director of the Decatur-Morgan County Convention and Visitors Bureau