Student Exploration Link: Dig Into Plants

Dig into Your Habitat Lab Plants

Investigate the common plants found in your Habitat Learning Lab.
Click on the plant’s name below to learn:

  • How to identify the plant using its Leaf Description & Flower Shape
  • How the plant helps support local wildlife & ecosystems
  • How to care for it including how much to water it

(Download the Quick Fact Sheets for the plant species in your Habitat Lab & include them in your Learning Station Maintenance Binders.)

Child touching Lamb's Ear plant

Sensory Garden
Autumn Joy Sedum
Lamb’s Ear
Mountain Mint
Woodland Stonecrop
more suggestions…

Goldfinch on Coneflower Pic by Pen Waggener
Blue Orchard Bee by University of Florida

Pollinator Garden
Anise Hyssop
Bee Balm
Blanket Flower
False Sunflower
Lanceleaf Tickseed
Narrowleaf Sunflower
more suggestions…


Butterfly Garden
Blue Mistflower
Dense Blazing Star
Hoary Vervain
Miss Huff Lantana
New England Aster
Red Sage
Rose Vervain
Stokes Aster
more suggestions…

Black Swallowtail Caterpillar Pic by Lewis Scharpf

Caterpillar Garden
Blue False Indigo
Blue Vervain
Common Yarrow
False Nettle
Golden Alexander
Passionflower Vine
Swamp Rose-mallow
Woolly Dutchman’s Pipe
more suggestions…

Monarch Garden
Butterfly Milkweed
Common Milkweed
Swamp Milkweed
Whorled Milkweed
Milkweed Comparison

Upland Chorus Frog by Todd Pierson

Frog & Toad Bog
Christmas Fern
Eastern Red Columbine
Heartleaf Foamflower
Joe-pye Weed
Lady Fern
Lizard’s Tail
Southern Woodfern
Wild Ginger
more suggestions…

Trees & Bushes
American Beautyberry
Flowering Dogwood
Longleaf Pine
Mapleleaf Virburnum
Mock Orange
Oakleaf Hydrangea
Rabbiteye Blueberry
Red Chokeberry
Sweet Pepperbush
Yaupon Holly
Virginia Sweetspire
Wax Myrtle
White Fringetree

Similar Species
Although moss, algae, mushrooms (fungi) and lichens are often thought of as plants, they do not have the same shape and structure as common plants like wildflowers, bushes or trees. These differences have led to these groups of organisms being classified into four different Kingdoms (or categories).
Learn more about these Similar Species…

These plant suggestions are based on the greatest benefit the plants provide for backyard wildlife. Many of these plant species provide food sources for many types of wildlife including butterflies, caterpillars, native bees, other pollinators, hummingbirds, and other songbirds. Learn more with our Plant Purpose Chart!

Learn why it is important to Plant Native Plants instead of non-native species whenever possible!

Leaf Description Chart & Flower Shapes Chart

Click on the charts to view them in a new, larger window. Click on the names of the charts (in orange) to download them.

Leaf Description Chart Flower Shape Chart