Dig into Plants: Goldenrod

AWF’s Dig Into Plants webpage for these species will be coming soon!

In the meantime, use the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center’s Native Plant Database webpages for info about these plant species!

Showy Goldenrod

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(Links to this Webpage)

Plant ID Sign (Text Only):
Ready as-is PDF

Plant ID Sign (With Picture):
Ready as-is PDF

Wildflower.org Educational Webpage

Plant ID Sign (Text Only):
Editable Word Doc

Plant ID Sign (With Picture):
Editable Word Doc

Sweet Goldenrod

QR Code
(Links to this Webpage)

Plant ID Sign (Text Only):
Ready as-is PDF

Plant ID Sign (With Picture):
Ready as-is PDF

Wildflower.org Educational Webpage

Plant ID Sign (Text Only):
Editable Word Doc

Plant ID Sign (With Picture):
Editable Word Doc

Roughleaf Goldenrod

QR Code
(Links to this Webpage)

Plant ID Sign (Text Only):
Ready as-is PDF

Plant ID Sign (With Picture):
Ready as-is PDF

Wildflower.org Educational Webpage

Plant ID Sign (Text Only):
Editable Word Doc

Plant ID Sign (With Picture):
Editable Word Doc