Outdoor Classroom Build Days

Through the Alabama Outdoor Classroom Program, we can help you organize work days when students, faculty, parents and community volunteers can work side-by-side to help build, plant, and maintain outdoor learning stations in their outdoor classroom. We'll also attend the OC Work Day to provide technical support and help supervise the projects.

The Only Requirement: Your school must be enrolled in the Alabama Outdoor Classroom Program to receive technical assistance and advice from the Alabama Wildlife Federation's Outdoor Classroom Consultants.

Outdoor Classroom Day Planning Materials
Click on the "PDF" version (ready to print as is) or "Word Doc" version (can be edited as needed) to download/print the planning materials listed below.

Students and school volunteers at Outdoor Classroom Work DayOutdoor Classroom Work Day Checklist (PDF | Word Doc) – This checklist covers everything from the list of utility lines that you need to get checked by your Buildings & Maintenance Department to the list of materials you'll need for your students and volunteers on the Outdoor Classroom Work Day.

Example Student, Volunteer, and Support Form (PDF | Word Doc) – This form should be sent home to the students' parents and guardians 2-3 weeks prior to the Outdoor Classroom Work Day to get permission for the students to participate in the event and to have their photos taken during the event. It also reminds parents to have their children wear appropriate outdoor clothes and closed-toe shoes that day. This form allows parents, grandparents and community volunteers to donate their time by signing up for specific time slots to help on the Outdoor Classroom Work Day and by signing up to bring specific tools such as shovels and wheel barrows, In addition, volunteers can donate money to purchase learning station materials and supplies or donate specific plants and other supplies needed for the outdoor learning stations.